One of the most inspiring things we see though our work, is how many women who gets in touch with us, asking what they can do to help. Here is a guide to things you can do to assist Wanawake Pamoja in our work, and how you can assist to improve the lives of women in your community and in Tanzania:
Share information
Many women living with violence do not know that they have rights, and certainly do not know where they can go to get assistance. By spreading information about women’s rights and where to get help, you may help save a life.
This information be spread through:
- word of month – talk about the issues of gender based violence with your friends, both male and females. Let them know where you stand, and share information about where to get different kinds of help, which you can find here: Sehemu ya kupata msaada.
- social media – share information about women’s rights and the places to get help and what they can do. Maybe that is just what one of your contacts needs exactly that day.
We are way too accustomed to accepting domestic violence. We tell ourselves that “this is a private matter” or “this is too difficult to deal with” or “I can impossibly make a change to this situation”. But you can make a difference! If you see a man mistreating his partner, here are some suggestions to how you may intervene:
- Go talk to the man, to make him calm down, or to distract him to give the woman a chance to escape
- If you do not dare in intervene yourself, send someone else, maybe a man
- Call the police phone number 112. You may also ask for assistance from the Gender Desk.
- Demand that the chairman of the street intervenes. Domestic violence is a criminal offence and should be treated accordingly. He is obliged to intervene.
- Tell the family, neighbours and friends around about women’s rights and convince them to get engaged in the situation together with you.
Wanawake Pamoja is dependent on your kind donations. Through your donations, we can reach women of all ages, all over the country, and make a difference to thousands of lives. Please donate today to help us do this important work! CLICK HERE (link coming soon)
Be a volunteer
We are often in need of volunteers with different skills. Our vacant volunteer positions will be posted both on our website and our Facebook site, where you may find a way that you may help. We welcome everyone to apply for these positions when available.